Thursday, July 3, 2008

Best treatment for body acne and how to get rid of acne fast

5) Diet - A change in your diet can help with your acne condition. Reduce your consumption of caffeine and processed sugar. Also include more fresh fruits in your diet. Drink plenty of water to flush out toxins in your body and keep your skin hydrated. This is probably the number tip for most models and actresses.
There are acne home remedies that use different types of acids to help clean your face and kill bacteria. Many remedies are also mixed in with other natural ways to treat popular ailments. Acne and the hormones connection is believed that the menstrual cycle of every woman plays a role in its development. With plenty of feasible treatment options available today, there is no reason that you cannot get rid of acne fast.
It is preferable when you first start using this type of product to keep the concentration of it low, around 5.5 percent is best. You can always try a cleaner or cream containing alpha hydroxy acid if this doesn't work. It might just be a case of trial and error, if nothing seems to work speak to your dermatologist for any advice or try a different acne skin care product.
tags: at home ways how to get rid of acne, best acne medication, treating acne birth control pill

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